Zero Emission Bus Rollout Plan
In accordance with the California Air Resource Board’s Innovative Clean Transit (ICT) regulation, the following plan serves as ECCTA’s zero-emission bus (ZEB) rollout plan to transition its bus fleet to 100% ZEB by 2040.

The ICT regulation became effective October 1, 2019, and requires all public transit agencies to gradually transition their bus fleets to zero-emission technologies. The JCT regulation applies to all transit agencies that own, operate, or lease buses with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 14,000 pounds. It covers standard, articulated, over-the-road, double decker,
and cutaway buses. The JCT regulation requires a percentage of new bus purchases to be ZEBs. The ZEB percentage increases gradually with time. The ZEB purchase requirements begin in 2026 for small transit agencies.
ECCTA is considered a small transit agency by the ICT regulation’s definition (13 CCR§ 2023(b)(30)) because it meets the following criteria: ECCTA operates less than 100 buses excluding demand response vehicles. Starting in 2029, 100% of all transit agencies’ new fixed route bus purchases must be ZEBs, with a goal of complete transition to ZEBs (all buses in each transit agency’s fleet to be ZEBs) by 2040.
This rollout plan is a living document and a guide to the implementation of ECCTA’s zero emission bus fleet. The plan provides estimated timelines based on ECCTA’s fleet replacement plan. As outlined in the JCT guidance, the following sections are included as required:
Section A: Transit Agency Information
Section B: Rollout Plan General Information
Section C: Technology Portfolio
Section D: Current Bus Fleet Composition and Future Bus Purchases
Section E: Facilities and Infrastructure Modifications
Section F: Providing Service in Disadvantaged Communities
Section G: Workforce Training
Section H: Potential Funding Sources
Section I: Start-Up and Scale-Up Challenges