Mobility Hubs
Park & Rides
Combine the freedom of your own car with the convenience and cost-savings of the bus by utilizing your local Mobility Hub (formerly called a Park & Ride).
With this great transit amenity, you can trade in your bumper-to-bumper Highway 4 commute to BART for a quick local drive to your neighborhood mobility hub.
- Brentwood – Walnut Blvd. at Dainty
- Oakley – 4300 Main Street
- Antioch – Planned
THINK FAST. Commuter Route 300X to BART.
Catch Route 300X Westbound from Brentwood or Oakley.
With very few stops between Brentwood & BART, Route 300X is the fastest and most convenient way to BART. Enjoy station front drop off when you ride Tri Delta Transit, as well as no parking fees or long parking lot walks in the rain or heat! Make your Route 300X connection at the locations below.
Other Route 300X Stops (non-mobility hub locations)
- Hwy 4 at Village Drive (Brentwood)
- Hwy 4 at Vintage Parkway (Oakley)
- Hwy 4 at Empire (Oakley)

Brentwood Park & Ride, Walnut Blvd at Dainty
Oakley Park & Ride, 4300 Main Street (northwest of Cypress)
For more information or trip planning assistance using a Park & Ride call Route Information at 1-925-754-4040.