BART to Antioch train times shift beginning March 24th.
March 21, 2025
BART to Antioch train times to shift beginning MONDAY, March 24th, and may cause delays connecting from transit to eBART.
Beginning Monday, March 24, 2025, BART to Antioch train times will shift by several minutes to improve the connection with BART at the transfer platform in Pittsburg.
We are lengthening the window of time for the regular BART train to connect to the BART to Antioch DMU train to improve the reliability of the transfer. While this will lengthen the total time for trips that include BART to Antioch service, it will significantly cut down on the number of missed transfers, which is currently causing even longer delays for Antioch riders.
This change means departure and arrival times at Antioch and Pittsburg Center stations are shifting by six or seven minutes depending on the direction of travel. We encourage Antioch and Pittsburg Center riders to look up the new train times before the change goes into effect, as delays will occur with connecting to some Tri Delta Transit routes to eBART.
Trips from Antioch and Pittsburg Center toward SFO will leave seven minutes earlier than before. Trips from SFO towards Pittsburg Center and Antioch will arrive six minutes later.
For riders who rely on clock-face schedules, here is an example of the change:
* For the current schedule, trips at Antioch Station start on the 10/30/50 minutes after the hour and trips at Pittsburg Center start on the 17/37/57 minutes after the hour.
* For the new schedule, trips at Antioch Station start on the 03/23/43 minutes after the hour and trips at Pittsburg Center start on the 10/30/50 minutes after the hour.
The times for regular BART trains on the Yellow Line (Pittsburg/Bay Point to SFO) are unchanged.
View the Yellow Line PDF timetable for weekday service
View the Yellow Line PDF timetable for weekend service
The Trip Planner
<> is in the process of being updated, and riders will be able to see their new itineraries by selecting the date of March 24, 2025, and beyond [] Follow BART on X @sfbart <> for news and @sfbartalert<> for automated service advisories
or for BART departure times call BART Information at 1-510-465-2278 (BART).
For BART Customer Service call: 1-510-464-6000 (M-F 8 am – 6 pm).