Fares and Passes
Exact cash fare not required on fixed route buses, however, a farebox on a fixed route bus can ONLY issue credit tickets for overpayment. Credit tickets are good toward future rides on Tri Delta Transit fixed route buses only. Credit tickets are not redeemable for cash. Credit tickets that are not provided correctly or have stopped working that are brought to the Administrative offices will be issued new tickets and not cash refunds.
Fares can be paid with exact cash or Clipper Cards.

Visit the Discount Programs page for other options.
Visit the How to Buy Passes for your purchase options.
If you want to order on-line to be mailed to you, visit here.
Route 200X, 201X, 202X and 300X Cash Fares
Single ride, no transfers (general public age 6 years to 64) | $2.50 |
Single ride, no transfers (Seniors 65+/Passengers with disabilities) * | $1.25 |
BART Transfer (general public age 6-64) | $1.75 |
BART Transfer (Seniors 65+/Passengers with disabilities)* | $1.25 |
Local Route Cash Fares
Single ride, no transfers (general public age 6 years to 64) | $2.00 |
Single ride, no transfers (Seniors 65+/Passengers with disabilities) | $0.85 |
Children 5 and under (with paying customer) | 0.00 |
BART Transfer (general public age 6-64) | $1.25 |
BART Transfer (Seniors 65+/Passengers with disabilities) | $0.85 |
Day Passes
Unlimited rides on all Tri Delta Transit buses, except paratransit buses, the day of purchase/validation. (general public) | $3.75 |
Unlimited rides on all Tri Delta Transit buses, except paratransit buses, the day of purchase/validation. (Senior Citizens and Passengers with Disabilities) | $1.75 |
31-Day Pass
Unlimited rides on Tri Delta Transit buses for 31-consecutive days. Time begins when pass is first validated. (general public) | $57.00 |
20-Ride Passes
20 single rides, no transfer. 20 single rides on all Tri Delta Transit buses except Paratransit buses. (general public, ages 6-64) | $33.00 |
20 single rides, no transfer. 20 single rides on on all Tri Delta Transit buses except Paratransit buses. (Senior Citizens and Passengers with Disabilities ) | $17.00 |
Paratransit (formerly known as Dial-a-Ride) Fares and Tickets
One-way trip starting and ending in Tri Delta Transit’s ADA service area | $2.75 |
One-way trip starting and/or ending outside Tri Delta Transit’s ADA service area | $5.50 |
10 one-way ride tickets valued at $2.75 each (sold in a book of 10) | $27.50 |
*During fixed route 200X & 201X regular service hours only.
All trips provided to Concord and Martinez during the hours Route 200X & 201X are not in operation (including weekends and holidays) will be charged an additional fee of $3 each way.