Buses to Schools

Tri Delta Transit is part of your community. We connect to many schools in the area and provide an affordable transportation option. To help parents and students, below please find a list of schools. Highlighted schools have Tri Delta Transit service.

Click on the highlighted school name to download that school’s flier, which will tell you the routes available, the bus stops nearest the school, and tools you can use to plan a trip and see real time arrival.

Have a terrific school year.

Elementary School


Belshaw2801 Roosevelt Lane, Antioch388
Carmen Dragon4721 Vista Grande Drive, Antioch380, 384, 385
Diablo Vista4791 Prewett Ranch Drive, Antioch388
Fremont1413 F Street, Antioch380, 388
Grant4325 Spaulding Street, Antioch380
Jack London4550 Country Hills Drive, Antioch380, 388
Kimball1310 August Way, Antioch380, 388
Lone Tree1931 Mokelumne Drive, Antioch388
Marsh2304 G Street, Antioch391
Mission1711 Mission Drive, Antioch390 (commute hours only)
Muir615 Greystone Drive, Antiochno bus service available
Sutter3410 Longview Road, Antioch (over 1/2 mile walk)380, 388
Turner4207 Delta Fair Boulevard, Antioch380, 387, 391


Bel Air663 Canal Road, Bay Point (over 1/2 mile walk)380, 387, 389
Rio Vista611 Pacifica Avenue, Bay Point201X, 389
Shore Acres351 Marina Road, B201X, 389


Brentwood200 Griffith Lane, Brentwood385
Garin250A First Street, Brentwood391
Marsh Creek601 Grant Street, Brentwood383, 384, 391
R. Paul Krey190 Crawford Dr. Brentwood385
Ron Nunn1755 Central Boulevard, Brentwood384, 391


Gehringer5491 Main Street, Oakley391
Laurel1141 Laurel Road, Oakley383
Oakley501 Norcross Lane, Oakley391
Vintage Parkway School1000 Vintage Parkway, Oakley391


Foothill1200 Jensen Drive, Pittsburg380 (over 1/2 mile walk)
Heights163 West Boulevard, Pittsburg380
Highlands4141 Harbor Street, Pittsburg380
Los Medanos610 Crowley Avenue, Pittsburg388
Parkside985 W. 17th Street, Pittsburg380
Stoneman2929 Loveridge Road, Pittsburg380, 390 (commute hours)
Willow Cove1800 Hanlon Way, Pittsburg380
Middle Schools


Antioch1500 D Street, Antioch380, 388
Black Diamond4730 Sterling Hill Drive, Antioch380, 385
Park1 Spartan Way, Antioch380, 390 (commute hours), 391
Dallas Ranch1401 Mt Hamilton Dr, Antioch380, 388


Riverview Middle205 Pacifica Avenue, Bay Point389


Adams Middle School401 American Avenue385
Bristow Middle School855 Minnesota Avenue385
Edna Hill140 Birch, Brentwood391


O’Hara Park1100 O’Hara Avenue, Oakley383, 391
Delta Vista4901 Frank Hengel Way, Oakley (over 1/2 mile walk)383, 391


Hillview Junior High333 Yosemite Drive, Pittsburg380, 388
Rancho Medanos Junior High2301 Range Road, Pittsburg388
Martin Luther King, Jr. Junior High2012 Carion Court, Pittsburg388
High Schools


Antioch700 W. 18th Street, Antioch380, 387
Bidwell800 Gary Avenue, Antioch388
Deer Valley4700 Lone Tree Way, Antioch380, 384, 379
Dozier Libbey4900 Sand Creek Road, Antioch379, 388
Live Oak1708 F Street, Antioch380
Prospects820 W. 2nd Street, Antioch387



Liberty850 2nd Street, Brentwood391 (384/385-short walk to school from Park & Ride)
Heritage 101 American Ave, Brentwood385
La Paloma400 Ghiggeri Drive, Brentwood391 (over 1/2 mile walk)


Mt. Diablo2450 Grant St., Concord201X


Freedom1050 Neroly Road, Oakley383


Black Diamond1131 Stoneman Ave, Pittsburg380, 390
Pittsburg250 School Street, Pittsburg380, 387, 388
Los Medanos College2700 East Leland Road, Pittsburg380,381,387,388,391 (392,393,394 weekends)
Brentwood Education and Technology Center1351 Pioneer Square, Brentwood202X Weekdays