Calculate Your Monthly Commute Costs

So, exactly how much DOES it cost to drive your car? There’s more to it than just the cost of gas such as the cost of maintenance, insurance, and other periodic expenditures… To get an idea how much it costs to drive, use our easy-to-use driving cost calculator. Compare the results against what it would cost you to ride Tri Delta Transit and see how much money you could save.

To use the calculator, enter the distance you drive each day; the number of days per month you work; your vehicles MPG; the cost per gallon for fuel; and parking costs (if any). The calculator will figure out how much you spend every month and every year.


Savings Riding Tri Delta Transit


If the cost of driving seems high, consider taking the bus.

A one-way fare on Tri Delta Transit fixed route buses is just $2.00, or you can purchase a 20-Ride Pass for only $33. For even greater savings, purchase a 31-Day Pass good for unlimited rides on all Tri Delta Transit buses (except paratransit buses) for 31 consecutive days, for just $57.

If you use a Clipper Card and load cash to your Clipper Card, Clipper calculates fare for you so you always pay the lowest fare. Clipper automatically deducts the appropriate fare each time you board the bus. Board more than one bus on the same day and Clipper automatically calculates the fare for an unlimited ride Day Pass. Once the Day Pass is achieved, your card is not charged for additional rides so you automatically pay the lowest fare! You can also load 31-Day Passes to your Clipper Card.

For help in figuring out which bus pass is right for you, click here. Or give us a call at 925-754-6622 to discuss money-saving pass options.

Operating cost of 56.46¢ per mile (driving 15,000 miles per year). Source AAA 2017 edition "Your Driving Costs" brochure

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